Difference between the database management system and SQL
What is a management system (DBMS):
DBMS could be a group of programs used for managing information and at the same time it supports different kinds of users to build, manage, retrieve, update and store data.
Types of the database management Systems
The types of database management system-supported data models are as follows −
• Relational database.
• Object-oriented database.
• Hierarchical database.
• Network database.
1. it is used to manage the database. Examples: – MYSQL, Oracle.
2. It performs numerous operations like database creation, storing information, and changing data.
3. It provides security to the database.
4. It contains automatic backup and database recovery.
5. It can manage data redundancy (i.e., store all the info in one single database file.)
6. It can decrease the complicated relationships between data.
Structured command language (SQL):
SQL is a programing language designed to retrieve and manage relational databases. SQL is the standard language for relational database Systems. All the relational database Management Systems (RDMS) like MySQL, MS Access, Oracle, Sybase, Informix, Postgres, and SQL Server use SQL as their standard data language.
Types of SQL Statements
• Data Definition Language (DDL)
• Data Manipulation Language (DML)
• Data Control Language (DCL)
• Transaction Control Language (TCL)
• Data Query Language (DQL)
1. it’s a query language, not a database
2. It performs several operations on a database like creation, deletion, and modification.
3. It’s designed for managing data in RDMS (Relational database management system)
4. It permits the user to make view, stored procedures, and functions within the database.
5. It helps in creating, updating, and deleting data from the database.
6. It consists of various forms of SQL languages like DDL, DML, and TCL.